If you want to use Hawaiian Hibiscus in a floral arrangement, pick one during the day while it is in full bloom, then put it in the refrigerator. When you combine shrubs with trees in your poolside landscaping, it provides depth to the overall appearance. Cordyline: A hardy plant that can be planted near a chlorinated or salt water pool, cordylines have vibrant pink, red and green waxy leaves. These plants are wonderful for rock gardens and are drought tolerant. A saltwater pool contains 10 times less salt than the ocean. It's not just a matter of simply planting what you think will look good next to a pool. Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae) If you are thinking of going the tropical-oasis route, a bird of … A pool is a must-have in Perth – it’s hard to get through those 40+ degree days without one! Striking and curved like kangaroo paws, the perennials come in many varieties and lovely colors, including 'Bush Gold,' 'Bush Emerald,' and 'Bush Lantern' (bright yellow). It looks similar to a banana plant, has an upright growth habit, and 2-foot-long leaves. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →, Society of Experimental Biology; Salt of the Earth -- How Do Plants Cope? Like the banana, Strelitzia reginae needs shelter from strong winds or its leaves can rip. They will create endless clean up and can wreak havoc on your water balance and filter. There are various saltwater pool plants you can choose from that can handle the average dousing from splashing water. •Many plants tolerate some splashing of chlorinated water, but occasionally flush the soil to avoid salt buildup. You also could choose daylilies and kalanchoe amongst other options. Call Support 1300 799 109 Some plants can tolerate some degree of salt water, such as the amount splashed outside of a saltwater pool. Hibiscus is a thirsty plant, so be sure to provide plenty of water. If you are thinking of going the tropical-oasis route, a bird of paradise will get you there quickly. The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Marthas sometimes look like exotic tropical flowers and orchids. Salt tolerant. Installing drainage into the garden bed will also help to prevent pool water collecting in the soil, water logging the garden and poisoning the plants with chlorine or a build-up of salt. All soils contain salt, which is one of the vital nutrients for plant growth. Take my word for it, climbing back behind a Spanish bayonet yucca to retrieve an errant volleyball is no fun. Nothing says tropical quite like Bird of paradise. Saltwater pool generators can release backwash into the ground around the equipment. Not to be confused with blue agave or Agave tequilana, an important cash crop for the Mexican state of Jalisco for making tequila, Agave attenuata is also a native of Mexico and grows well in the southwestern United States. Additionally, salt naturally absorbs water. The Best Plants And Shrubs For Saltwater Pools | Shasta Pools The problem is that some plants simply don’t go with pools. List of Full-Sun Plants for a Pool Area. This vigorous perennial is a European native that has been naturalized in eastern North America. It requires little water and performs well near the ocean or a swimming pool. Multi-level planting:if the area is steep around your pool you can adopt a tired approach. Bird of paradise is easy to grow inside, so if you're in a cooler climate, overwinter the plant and move it outside in summer. There are a few varieties of bird … Jun 22, 2020 - Explore Wendy Sorosinski's board "Plants around pool" on Pinterest. This particular ornamental grass is Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus,' commonly called zebra grass or sometimes called porcupine grass. It will stay fresh and open in a vase long enough to enjoy for the evening. Skip to content . Also plan ahead for access to the site, as digging equipment will need to be brought in and soil and rocks removed during the excavation and pool installation process. Areas of river stone or lava rock can add a low-maintenance separation between planting beds. Dilution of the salt and chlorine is necessary to reduce the amounts that settle into the soil. Poor leaf growth results in poor photosynthesis, the process in which plants produce sugar as food. Choosing plants that can survive while submerged in water can give the pool its natural look. Lisa Hallett Taylor is a writer and editor with 12+ years experience covering architecture, landscape design, and do-it-yourself projects. Some salt-tolerant shrubs include the jade plant (Crassula argentea) and the lantana (Lantana camara), a flowering annual that thrives in full sunlight. Schefflera also goes by the name of Queensland Umbrella Tree and Octopus Tree. The key to smart poolside garden design is to find strong plants that can withstand your pool's microclimate, are easy to maintain, and still look good. Not all plants will flourish in the environment around a swimming pool so opt for species to suit the chlorine or salt water conditions. In addition to her freelance writing, Rempe is working on a romance novel and short stories. Try using planters with dark foliage that contrast with magnolias, and giant lilyturf covering the ground. Cordyline. Like all succulents, its foliage is packed with water; when it shrivels, you know it is asking for a drink. Agave attenuate,Bromeliads, Echiums, Cycads and a mixture of palms which provide good shade. These orange tropical beauties are proteas (Banksia.) The shrubbier hebes are exotic, striking plants that enhance poolside border landscaping.  Bird of paradise is an excellent choice for poolscaping—it does not shed and is strong enough to tolerate splashing (in moderation, of course). While scheffleras are natives to Australia, New Caledonia, southern Asia, Hawaii, and Taiwan, they have also adapted well to other regions, especially California and Florida. As a general rule of thumb, horticulturalists tend to recommend plants with silvery, furry or waxy leaves. hey drop leaves, they get damaged by the water, or they just don’t look appropriate in a poolside setting. See more ideas about plants, plants around pool, backyard landscaping. The future pool site should be earmarked for temporary gardens or as a play area, but don’t plant trees or erect any structures that will be difficult or expensive to remove. Well-behaved vines can add privacy when trained up a trellis. In colder climates, consider growing hibiscus in a container and overwinter the plant inside near a window. If you are looking to have a pool installed or wanting to create a gorgeous design for your existing pool that includes a lot of foliage, it’s important to have a good idea of what plants will look great without causing issues in the future. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Portulaca and lantana plants are considered to be one of the best choices for all those who are keen on having salt water friendly plants. •Fertilize carefully; spills can stain pool plaster. This New Zealand native is sometimes sold under the name Veronica. In the right zones (mostly southwestern) they can be grown as shrubs, reaching a height of up to 2 feet (60 cm) with 4-inch-long leaves. Its horizontal stripes give it an exotic look that goes well with tropical landscaping. If you desire a tropical look for your pool area and live in a mild, frost-free climate, banana trees instantly create the mood you may be looking for. If you’re set on planting trees around your pool, consider deciduous trees. Add other tropicals—like hibiscus, cannas, and low-growing palms—with proteas for a tropical paradise. Technically, the more-familiar cactus are succulents, although they require a desert habitat and have prickly spines. If they are stored in a cool, dark, frost-free place, they can survive all winter and regrow the following spring. If you have a chlorinated pool, you need to make sure that your plants can withstand chlorine splash. Choose low or non-shedding plants Sweet potato vines come in many beautiful colors and variegations, but this bright chartreuse 'Marguerite' (also called 'Margarita' or 'Margarite') is one of the most striking and hardy. Combine it with other tropicals like hibiscus, cannas, and bromeliads. Salt-tolerant coastal species like palms, agave attenuates, bromeliads, cycads, coastal banksia, dianella, pig face and echiums are ideal species to plant near saltwater swimming pools. Martha Washington geraniums are usually only available for about six weeks or so in late spring. Vines that can tolerate saltwater splash include the star jasmine (Jasminum nitidum) and the cape honeysuckle (Tecomaria capensis). Saltwater pools give you the illusion of swimming in the ocean with the natural salt you use to chlorinate the pool. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. All Rights Reserved. Illustration: The Spruce / Brianna Gilmartin. Succulents have been traditionally overlooked in American gardens, but in the western United States, they have been enjoying a surge in popularity. Carefully research any plants you choose to surround your pool before any buying or digging happens. Creeping Jenny acclimates quite well in many settings, including woodlands and partial shade gardens, or even the dry climate of southern California, (pictured). These striking plants are ideal for adding dramatic contrast and a tropical feel around your swimming pool. Attenuata is also easy to propagate from cuttings or pups—a few large plants can multiply and become quite prolific in just a few years. Chlorine-tolerant vines include … While a swimming pool is already an inviting temptation, adding plants to a pool area creates an oasis that combines natural beauty with man-made convenience. They are easy to care for, not too messy, grow quickly, blend nicely with other plants, and create a striking form, day or night. Planting around a pool can provide much needed shade and wind protection, privacy and an aesthetic balance to what might otherwise be a harsh landscape feature. This plant and its hybrids are a slim and graceful looking plant, but it is the flowers that are the real appeal to kangaroo paws. Hailing from tropical and subtropical locales, I. batatas are fast-growing, easy-to-care-for trailing vines that are suited for hanging containers, planters, walls, trellises, and as a ground cover. Banksias hail originally from Australia. If your pool area receives full sun for most of the day, choose species that cope well with lots of sunshine and heat, especially if you have a saltwater pool. Jade is attractive, sturdy, and a hands-down trouble-free plant for your pool area landscaping. Also, keep in mind that plants will likely get splashed with chlorine and other pool and spa chemicals. These 18 plants are all good choices for pool landscaping; check carefully, though, to be sure they are right for your climate and soil conditions. In some regions, jade is a popular houseplant; in others, it can grow almost like a weed and is extremely unfussy. Think bromeliads, agaves, aloe, yucca and cycads. Brugmansia, commonly known as angel's trumpet, also has a heavenly scent, making it a stunning pool-area shrub or tree. Add height to the landscaping around your pool with vining plants. Senecio Serpens - Blue Chalk Sticks In the right conditions, Cyperus papyrus (Egyptian papyrus, papyrus sedge or papyrus grass) can create a mood—lush, tropical, and exotic. It also does fairly well in a clay soil that has been amended—the clay helps it retain dampness, which it loves. Trees or plants that shed small leaves will be your worst nightmare! Salt-tolerant trees to include in your landscaping include the Madagascar olive (Noronhia emarginata), which is suited to warm, tropical climates, and the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera), which has a large canopy and produces edible fruit. If your pool is sited on a hillside, use the slope to inform the design of the pool and … Ornamental grasses, in general, are excellent choices for poolside landscaping. These plants can be brought indoors over the winter and allowed to go dormant. Choose hardy, sun and heat tolerant plants. Splashing water is a common occurrence around swimming pools. Some plants to steer well clear of around pools are umbrella trees and rubber trees, both of which are notorious for causing problems to pools, paving and underground plumbing. ; 2001. They would also be a nice addition to planters near your pool or spa, mixed in with other succulents and some ornamental grasses for an attractive, low-maintenance display. In the tropical regions from which they come, staghorn ferns can be found growing on trees. Too much salt inhibits the protein production that affects leaf growth. Kathleen Miller is a Master Gardener and Horticulturist with over 30 years experience in gardening and sustainable farming. Hi There I am wanting to start thinking about a landscape design for our back yard. Alejandro Bayer Tamayo / Flickr / CC by 2.0. Plant them in a spot safe from winds because those great-looking leaves can get ripped-up easily if not near a wall, fence, or protected by neighboring plants. Papyrus likes water and can live in bogs and shallow ponds. If you can grow Hawaii's state flower in your zone, then go for it—you have many species to choose from, with dreamy names like 'White Wings,' 'Crown of Bohemia,' 'Kona Princess,' and 'Flamenco Flame.' Bananas are fast-growing herbaceous perennials or trees with tropical-looking long, broad leaves. All parts of the Angel's Trumpet plant are toxic and poisoning can occur from ingestion and even touching the plant. Saltwater generators actually turn table salt into chlorine to keep your pool clean and algae-free. They will drop their leaves in autumn when you can protect your pool with a cover. Between splashes of chlorinated water, reflected heat, foot traffic, and often winter neglect, they take plenty of abuse. Some plants, especially trees, can shed into the pool, making a big mess.Others may have thorns or spines that can hurt swimmers. Other plants that work well in a saltwater situation are Westringia, Coastal Banksia, Chinese Hibiscus, Olive and Rosemary. Many, however, can be grown in containers and overwintered indoors. After attending the University of Missouri St. Louis, Stephanie Rempe worked as a documentation manager in the finance industry 10 years before turning to her first love, writing, which she's been doing professionally since 2008. Thorns. As with many things in life, too much can do more harm than good. When you plan your own island-like oasis, lush landscaping around the pool area with trees, plants and bushes provides just the right appearance. When there are increased amounts of salt in the soil, the salt absorbs the water intended to nourish plants. These green beauties are Aeonium. To achieve 3,000 ppm salinity, you had to disperse approximately 25 lbs. Some plants can tolerate some degree of salt water, such as the amount splashed outside of a saltwater pool. They prefer mild-winter zones and need regular water with good drainage. Depending on the location of the pool, you plant choice may be dictated by the environment in terms of privacy, wind factor, or ground coverage. Cordylines are a versatile plant with many different species and varieties that will suit … As the salt seeps into the ground, plant roots soak it up with the groundwater. Near a swimming pool, the schefflera performs well, especially in moist, well-drained soil. They grow quite well and the best thing is that they require very little maintenance. Segment the area into the different levels and choose plants that will stand out at each level. We are installing a salt water pool 4m x 8.25m and we would like to put in a water feature on the fence line cascading into the pool and I would like to plant either side of this. Small amounts of salt — such as water splashed out or backwash — will not harm the grass around the pool. Choosing plants to go near a swimming pool should take a certain amount of time, research, and consideration. Vines. Not so with succulents, which do not all have spines. Plants will need more frequent irrigation and should be heat loving and drought tolerant. Surrounding your saltwater pool with plants provides a natural appearance, but some species can be significantly harmed by saltwater exposure. Like many flower hybrids, Lady Washington pelargoniums have great cultivar names such as 'Raspberry Swirl,' 'Imperial,' and 'Excaliber. Echeverias are succulent perennials from Mexico that feel to the touch like a cross between felt and velvet. It won't be huge - 6.5m x 15m. Its common name—kangaroo paw—gives a big hint as to where this popular perennial hails from: Australia. Avoid overly thorny or otherwise dangerous plants around your pool for the sake of everyone’s safety and well-being. of salt for every 1,000 gallons of water. There’s around 3,000 ppm (parts per million) salinity in a saltwater pool. Examples of the alkaline-tolerant plants that are ideal for pool landscaping are some species of cyclamen, salvia, juniper, hibiscus, dianthus, viburnum, hydrangea and lavender. Proteas are usually stiff and prickly to the touch but also hardy and long-lasting. Pair it with tall and skinny Equisetum 'Horsetail,' which also likes water and has an exotic feel. The name alone could have you ordering one of these heavenly looking plants sight unseen. Proteas can grow in areas that are rocky and nutrient-poor, and they should not be fertilized. For some varieties, the flowering season extends from early summer until the first frost. When designing your pool and patio landscaping, remember that some areas need not be plants at all. Jenny can become a bit invasive, but since it is so pretty, color-loving gardeners are forgiving. PhotoAlto / Frederic Cirou / Getty Images. Most of the plants in this list grow best in warmer climates (USDA Zones 9 to 11). Select areas away from the generator to landscape. Before you begin planting, make sure to plant only plants that can tolerate the salt water from the pool. Heavy rainfall takes care of this process naturally. But, if you choose carefully and select plants that can stand up to these conditions, you can have a lovely and colorful garden all season. When there are increased amounts of salt in the soil, the salt absorbs the water intended to nourish plants. She currently divides her time between Missouri and her fiance's hometown in Oregon. If you have a salt water pool, you may choose plants that are tolerant of high salt levels in splashout water and in the soil around the pool. However, if you plan on draining it, you need to … Avoid this plant if you have children or animals and seek medical attention immediately if you suspect exposure or poisoning. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, The Spruce Gardening & Plant Care Review Board, The Spruce Renovations and Repair Review Board, Hawaiian Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), Zebra Grass (Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus'), Martha Washington Geranium (Regal pelargonium), Ornamental Sweet Potato Vine (I. batatas ). If you do not live in the tropics but can grow it in your zone, Staghorns do great mounted on wood slabs or bark, hanging baskets, or attached to trees. Salt-tolerant trees to include in your landscaping include the Madagascar olive (Noronhia emarginata), which is suited to warm, tropical climates, and the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera), which has a large canopy and produces edible fruit. The result is the dehydration of plants. Placement Some plants can tolerate some degree of salt water, such as the amount splashed outside of a saltwater pool. A heated pool can raise humidity levels, and intense sunlight can fry nearby landscaping. When the salt water splashes on your landscape plants, rinse the salt water away, specifically around the soil, with the garden hose. Pamla J. Eisenberg / Flickr / CC by 2.0. Dead-head flowers regularly for constant bloom. ECOsmarte Pool: 8 Reasons Why ECOsmarte Is Preferred by Pool Owners... University of Hawaii at Manoa Extension; Salt and Wind Tolerance of Landscape Plants for Hawaii; Norman Bezona, et al. Gloves should be worn for everyday care of the angel's trumpet. Raise container plants off the hot surface with rollers or saucers. Australian natives and varieties that grow in coastal areas have good tolerance to dry and salty conditions. ' This plant will die if the temperature goes lower than 20 to 55 Fahrenheit, so it is not suitable for outdoor planting in cooler climates. Succulents come in all sizes and shapes and are the rising stars of drought-tolerant landscaping because they store water in their fleshy leaves, stems, and roots. By comparison, there’s 35,000 ppm in the ocean. By using The Spruce, you accept our, Choosing the Best Landscaping for Pool Areas, 21 Best Cactus Plants to Grow in Your Garden, 20 Best Tall Plants for Container Gardens, 15 Best Zone 7 Plants to Put In Your Garden, 12 Fall Plants for Container Gardens and Hanging Baskets, 10 Best Annual Flowers for the Cool Season. Hebes require shade in warmer climates. Life’s no vacation for plants installed around a pool. Bird of Paradise. The area around the pool may be tiled or concrete, but either way it gets super hot. The best trees to plant around a pool include: Acacia, Banana, Citrus, Evergreens (arbor vitae, cypress, spruce), Holly and Magnolia (also evergreen), Olive trees (non fruit bearing), Oleander (actually a large bush), and Windmill Palms (hardy into areas of zone 6). If you have a salt chlorinated pool they need to be salt tolerant in case of water splashing. Tiered planting. • Fertilize carefully ; spills can stain pool plaster. Plants around the pool must be able to withstand the high light reflection off the water. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! Saltwater pools give you the illusion of swimming in the ocean with the natural salt you use to chlorinate the pool. If you have a garden wall or pool house that gets filtered sunlight, this might be the scene-stealing plant for your pool area. ; Nerissa Hannink; July 2005. For vibrant, beautiful color that lasts from spring to fall, nothing beats the hybrids called Martha Washington or Lady Washington geraniums. • Many plants tolerate some splashing of chlorinated water, but occasionally flush the soil to avoid salt buildup. Lysimachia is a beautiful chartreuse color and grows well as a ground cover, climbing trellises, or spilling out of containers near the pool. Choose plants that are common along ocean areas, like Century Plant or Place landscape rocks on the ground around the generator to catch the seepage. 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