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Cook the orzo following pack instructions, drain and set aside. width: 110px; display: block; } background: #fbe2dd; img { } } display: block; border-left: 8px solid transparent !important; font-size: 80px; padding-left:10px!important; color: rgba(47, 47, 47, 0.4); details, .social-footer a { .grid-posts.style2 .item .item-overlay { letter-spacing: normal; background-color: #e8e8e8; @media print{.visible-print{display:block !important;} top: 80px; height: 100%; z-index: 2; .button.violet {background: #673AB7;} .swiper-container-cube .swiper-slide-active, text-transform: capitalize; Saved by CincyShopper.com. padding-top: 3px; margin: 0 15px; .col-sm-push-8{left:66.66666667%;} right: 0; .topmenu ul > li > ul > li:hover > ul { .col-md-offset-11{margin-left:91.66666667%;} sprinkle with thyme leaves which you have stripped from the sprigs of thyme. list-style:none; transition: 0.35s ease; letter-spacing: 2px; Roast in the heated oven for about 15 minutes. content: "Subscribe using your email to our Newsletter for our latest stories and updates! .theiaStickySidebar { display: table-cell; text-transform: uppercase; .clear { } font-size: 12px; This bacon and broccoli pasta salad is perfect for nights when you don't want to spend ages in the kitchen - it's ready in just 15 minutes! #mobile-header .m-search .toggle span { margin-bottom: 12px; text-decoration: underline; display: block; position: relative; width: 50%; .PageList li:last-child { padding: 3px 8px; display: block; /* WIDGET : SEARCHBOX */ The English Kitchen width: 28px; .col-md-offset-3{margin-left:25%;} .col-lg-push-1{left:8.33333333%;} .tumblr:before { content: '\f173'; } .post .single .post-meta .post-date:after { .featured-posts{ /* 04.2 - TOPBAR left: 50%; .swiper-button-next.swiper-button-disabled{opacity:0.35;cursor:auto;pointer-events:none;} text-align: center; border-left: 1px solid #f0f0f0; margin: 10px 5px 0; position: absolute; right: 0; border-left: 1px solid #f0f0f0; position: absolute; text-align: center; padding-right: 8px; } } float: none !important; I now get requests for it...made a couple adjustments though...use mayonnaise and ranch dressing and add more than recipe calls for since it gets absorbed by the pasta. padding-bottom: 10px; line-height: 18px; } padding: 0 20px; .row-tiny { background-color: #ef9d87; } display: block; .sidebar .widget h2:after { padding: 0; } tr.visible-sm{display:table-row !important;} input[type="email"], -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; .post .single .post-tags a { .col-lg-push-6{left:50%;} ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:window-inactive { font-size: 11px; margin-left: -8px; -moz-animation-delay: 0.5s; } 15 mins. .googleplus:before { content: '\f0d5'; } .form-group:last-child{ float: left; text-align: center; .col-sm-offset-3{margin-left:25%;} margin-right: 0; /* body { left:unset!important; opacity: .5; margin-left: -2px; .col-lg-push-11{left:91.66666667%;} margin-top: 25px; text-align: left; height: 1px; } height: 0; } a:link{ .share-linkedin:before { -ms-transform: translateY(30px); top: 0; margin: 10px auto 10px !important; } 01. text-align: center; margin-bottom:15px; line-height: 55px; ")}}if(typeof document!="undefined"&&document!==null&&this.options.mock===!1){a=e.data,this.options.limit!=null&&a.length>this.options.limit&&(a=a.slice(0,this.options.limit+1||9e9)),n=document.createDocumentFragment(),this.options.filter!=null&&typeof this.options.filter=="function"&&(a=this._filter(a,this.options.filter));if(this.options.template!=null&&typeof this.options.template=="string"){i="",o="",l="",v=document.createElement("div");for(m=0,b=a.length;m padding: 20px; .promo_boxes { border-top: 1px dotted #f0f0f0; display: none; line-height: 1.5; font-style: italic; position: absolute; max-width: 100%; } width: 100%; } text-align: center; text-decoration: none; .col-sm-3{width:25%;} .swiper-button-prev, } } bottom: 0; } .col-md-pull-8{right:66.66666667%;} position: relative; } .container { /* Animation Effect */ } float: right; } } .col-md-offset-2{margin-left:16.66666667%;} color: inherit; } } } margin-right: auto; .text-right { font-size: 11px; Pasta is tossed with bacon, onion and tomatoes in a Ranch dressing. .swiper-button-next.swiper-button-black, } .post .single .post-author .author-img { } margin-bottom: 34px; .twitter-widget ul li { Stir in the pasta … cursor: pointer; margin: 0 12px; background-color: #fbe2dd; } Difficulty. .uil-squares-css > div:nth-of-type(6) { .featured-posts .container-fluid .nav-arrows.featured-next { .no-top-padding { .paragraph-padding-1 { } Bacon Ranch Pasta Salad is full of flavor and so easy to make. 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