Answers: (a) ammonium bromide, (b) chromium(III) oxide, (c) cobalt(II) nitrate, SAMPLE EXERCISE 2.13 Determining the Formulas of Ionic Compounds from Their Names. However, if there is any doubt in your mind whether a metal forms more than one cation, use a Roman numeral to indicate the charge. b. The carbonate ion is CO32–, so the hydrogen carbonate ion is HCO3–. These compounds can be treated as if they were neutral substances containing H+ ions and anions. Name the acids (a) HCN, (b) HNO3, (c) H2SO4, (d) H2SO3. For most substances, however, we rely on a set of rules that leads to an informative and unique name for each substance, a name based on the composition of the substance. Early chemists associated organic compounds with plants and animals and inorganic compounds with the nonliving portion of our world. Thus, you can predict that the substance named hydrogen chloride has the formula HCl, containing one H+ to balance the charge of one Cl–. ANSWERS: Formula writing and nomenclature of inorganic compounds 1. ");b!=Array.prototype&&b!=Object.prototype&&(b[c]=a.value)},h="undefined"!=typeof window&&window===this?this:"undefined"!=typeof global&&null!=global?global:this,k=["String","prototype","repeat"],l=0;lb||1342177279>>=1)c+=c;return a};q!=p&&null!=q&&g(h,n,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:q});var t=this;function u(b,c){var a=b.split(". Formulas and Names-Inorganic Compounds - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. When the prefix ends in a or o and the name of the second element begins with a vowel, the a or o of the prefix is often dropped. �)���:n��y`��(k�u�.��q���!&l����Q*��TN}��PF~Ҷ��-Ĉ��)J�w���^���:Q�;=�kRz���d��(��lӑ ��V&��vc�I�%8��VA[��^f��:���Mu[*�&*R�[�*�ºo�vH�w*��0������[�ܼG?i�{.�{^$�%���N�M;�-O*e/��ɶ��oJp��{y*� W�.F����2��l��O����G_�gT��$*(I���;O��˾�_��m��%Sx})'�|�o�4@RbBOޒ�*;5iNg(���5�b{:���?��+�'�/&]��*k�$�JM�����f���� Practice writing formulas from names and names from formulas using the examples below. Figure 2.25 Common oxyanions. (a) The sulfate ion is SO42–. Write the formula for potassium bromide. 1. dinitrogen pentoxide N2O5 2. iron (III) chloride Fel3 3. barium sulfide BaS 4. carbon monoxide CO 5. Most metals that form cations with different charges are transition metals, elements that occur in the middle of the periodic table, from group 3B to group 2B. In chemical nomenclature, the IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry is a systematic method of naming inorganic chemical compounds, as recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Those anions whose names end in -ide are listed on the left portion of Table 2.5, and those whose names end in -ate are listed on the right. (c) Because SO42– is the sulfate ion, H2SO4 is called sulfuric acid. The system used in naming substances is called chemical nomenclature, from the Latin words nomen (name) and calare (to call). The rules for chemical nomenclature are based on the division of substances into categories. The name of the element farther to the left in the periodic table (closest to the metals) is usually written first. In the second period the charges also increase from right to left, from 1– for NO3– to 2– for CO32–. An exception occurs when the compound contains oxygen and chlorine, bromine, or iodine (any halogen except fluorine), in which case oxygen is written last. The names and formulas of these compounds are an essential vocabulary in chemistry. The names of monatomic anions are formed by replacing the ending of the name of the element with -ide: A few polyatomic anions also have names ending in -ide: b. Polyatomic anions containing oxygen have names ending in either -ate or -ite and are called oxyanions. (a) The cation is K+, the potassium ion, and the anion is SO42–, the sulfate ion, making the name potassium sulfate. … Cations formed from metal atoms have the same name as the metal o E.g. Quiz type: Names & formulas Molar Mass (aka formula … Thus, the HCO3– ion is commonly called the bicarbonate ion, and HSO4– is sometimes called the bisulfate ion. Among inorganic compounds we will consider three categories of substances: ionic compounds, molecular compounds, and acids. Two ClO4– ions are required to balance the charge on one Ni2+ ion, giving Ni(ClO4)2. Write the chemical formulas for (a) potassium sulfide, (b) calcium hydrogen carbonate, (c) nickel(II) perchlorate. Naming Binary Compounds Name: _____ Identify the type of binary compound and then write the correct chemical formula for the compound named in each of the following examples. Name the ionic compounds (a) K2SO4, (b) Ba(OH)2, (c) FeCl3. (The name hydrogen chloride is used only for the pure compound; water solutions of HCl are called hydrochloric acid.) Inorganic Acid Names and Formulae Introductory Chemistry Tutorial Key Concepts. SAMPLE EXERCISE 2.11 Determining the Formula of an Oxyanion from Its Name, Based on the formula for the sulfate ion, predict the formula for (a) the selenate ion and (b) the selenite ion. The names of compounds with these ions consist of the metal and the anion. Examples include the name of water, H 2 O, which is dihydrogen monoxide, and the name of NO, which is nitrogen dioxide. Binary ionic compounds … … Determine the oxidation number of S in each of the following compounds: a) Na2S2O3 ans. a. Naming monatomic ions and ionic compounds. Naming Inorganic Compounds Introduction . Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Names and Formulas of Ionic Compounds Recall that ionic compounds usually consist of chemical combinations of metals and nonmetals. Notice that C and N, both period 2 elements, have only three O atoms each, whereas the period 3 elements P, S, and Cl have four O atoms each. In this section we consider the basic rules for naming three categories of inorganic compounds: ionic compounds, molecular compounds, and acids. Dry air contains about 79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, with small amounts of carbon dioxide, neon, and argon. Inorganic compound, any substance in which two or more chemical elements (usually other than carbon) are combined, nearly always in definite proportions. (If you thought the compound contained S2– and O2– ions, you failed to recognize the polyatomic sulfate ion.). Notice also that although each of the anions in Figure 2.25 ends in -ate, the ClO4- ion also hasa per- prefix. You should know the Roman numerals for 1 (I), 2 (II), 3 (III), 4 (IV), 5 (V), and 6 (VI). As with ionic compounds, the system for naming covalent compounds enables chemists to write the molecular formula from the name and vice versa. Acids containing anions whose names end in -ide are named by changing the -ide ending to -ic, adding the prefix hydro- to this anion name, and then following with the word acid: 2. Although this distinction is no longer pertinent, the classification between organic and inorganic compounds continues to be useful. Each class is distinguished from the others by their chemical formulas, properties, and names. You should learn names and formulas of these anions first. Because this ion has an -ide ending, the acid is given a hydro- prefix and an -ic ending: hydrocyanic acid. The cations that you will encounter most frequently are shown in boldface. The names and formulas of the common anions are listed in TABLE 2.5 and on the back inside cover of the text. 1. The compounds consist entirely of nonmetals, so they are molecular rather than ionic. hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), fluorine (F2), chlorine (Cl2), bromine (Br2), and iodine (I2) Exercise: Write both the name and formulas (or symbols) of the gases in the following sentence. CLASSIFICATION, NAMING AND WRITING FORMULAS OF INORGANIC COMPOUNDS RECOGNIZING AND NAMING BINARY IONIC COMPOUNDS A binary compound is a compound in which only two elements are present. When we encounter the chemical formula for an acid at this stage of the course, it will be written with H as the first element, as in HCl and H2SO4. Combining cations and anions to form binary inorganic compounds is simple. Predict the formulas for the borate ion and silicate ion, assuming they contain a single B and Si atom, respectively, and follow the trends shown in Figure 2.25. Acids are an important class of hydrogen-containing compounds, and they are named in a special way. Charges are not expressed when naming these ions. The pure compound, which is a gas under normal conditions, is called hydrogen cyanide. (c) The nickel(II) ion is Ni2+. SAMPLE EXERCISE 2.14 Relating the Names and Formulas of Acids. Figure 2.24 Procedure for naming anions. The first part of the element's name, such as “chlor” for chlorine or “sulf” for sulfur, goes in the blank. 3. If a metal can have multiple charges, the positive charge is indicated by a Roman numeral in parentheses following the name … There are more than 50 million known chemical substances. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Thus, the formula for the selenite ion is SeO32–. Writing Formulas and Naming Compounds - Writing Formulas and Naming Compounds 3-3+ When compounds form, the net charge always equals zero. 4. Name the acid obtained by adding H+ to the iodate ion, IO3–. ("naturalWidth"in a&&"naturalHeight"in a))return{};for(var d=0;a=c[d];++d){var e=a.getAttribute("data-pagespeed-url-hash");e&&(! If a metal can form cations with different charges, the positive charge is indicated by a Roman numeral in parentheses following the name of the metal: Ions of the same element that have different charges have different properties, such as different colors (FIGURE 2.23). To alleviate the impossible task of memorizing the names of chemical compounds scientists have devised a systematic strategy for naming chemical substances. Answers: (a) MgSO4, (b) Ag2S, (c) Pb(NO3)2. (Sulfur and selenium are both in group 6A and form analogous oxyanions.). Names and Formulas of Ionic Compounds they have two elements. (a) The potassium ion is K+, and the sulfide ion is S2–. (b) Because NO3– is the nitrate ion, HNO3 is called nitric acid (the -ate ending of the anion is replaced with an -ic ending in naming the acid). You should learn these cations first. Those on the right side are either polyatomic cations or cations with more than one possible charge. Because the compound contains three chloride ions, Cl–, the cation must be Fe3+, the iron(III), or ferric, ion. Chemical compounds are substances formed by two or more elements interrelated, thus giving rise to an entirely new and different substance. : Na+ is a sodium ion, Zn+2 is a zinc ion, etc. The prefixes per- and hypo- are retained in going from the anion to the acid. Recall from Section 2.7 that ionic compounds usually consist of metal ions combined with nonmetal ions. In order to write a chemical formula, it is important to know the symbol of the elements present in the compound, formula of the radicals and the valency of the elements in that compound. ":"&")+"url="+encodeURIComponent(b)),f.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),f.send(a))}}}function B(){var b={},c;c=document.getElementsByTagName("IMG");if(!c.length)return{};var a=c[0];if(! The name of the second element is given an -ide ending. The ions on the left side in Table 2.4 are the monatomic ions that do not have more than one possible charge. This and the following section describe the rules for naming simple covalent compounds, beginning with inorganic compounds and then turning to simple organic compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen. Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) There are several common names of Silicon Dioxide (SiO2), quartz and sand. Writing and Naming Inorganic Compounds Naming IUPAC is an agency that sets standards for naming chemicals. The system used in naming substances is called chemical nomenclature, from the Latin words nomen (name) and calare (to call). Names and formulas of ionic compounds. Many compounds also have common names. 2. Only water solutions of HCN are referred to as hydrocyanic acid. Name the anion obtained by removing one oxygen atom from the perbromate ion, BrO4–. Write the formula for the hypobromite and bromite ions. SAMPLE EXERCISE 2.12 Determining the Names of Ionic Compounds from Their Formulas. The major division is between organic and inorganic compounds. The prefix per- indicates one more O atom than the oxyanion ending in -ate; hypo- indicates one O atom fewer than the oxyanion ending in -ite: These rules are summarized in FIGURE 2.24. What does the -ium ending on the name ammonium ion tell you about the composition of the ion? Give the chemical formulas for (a) magnesium sulfate, (b) silver sulfide, (c) lead(II) nitrate. FIGURE 2.25 can help you remember the charge and number of oxygen atoms in the various oxyanions. Most of the compounds are binary compounds, i.e. The same prefixes are applied to indicate the quantities of cation or anion atoms. The metals form the positive ions, and the nonmetals form the negative ions. For our present purposes, an acid is a substance whose molecules yield hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water. The formulas of the ions whose names end with -ite can be derived from those ending in -ate by removing an O atom. While there are higher oxidation numbers, they are less common. (b) The cation is Ba2+, the barium ion, and the anion is OH–, the hydroxide ion: barium hydroxide. Using the prefixes in Table 2.6, we have (a) sulfur dioxide, (b) phosphorus pentachloride, and (c) dichlorine trioxide. The -ate is used for the most common or representative oxyanion of an element, and -ite is used for an oxyanion that has the same charge but one O atom fewer: Prefixes are used when the series of oxyanions of an element extends to four members, as with the halogens. Compounds of carbon are classified as organic when carbon is bound to hydrogen. Naming them all would be a hopelessly complicated task if each had a name independent of all others. Both substances shown are compounds of iron. The name of an acid is related to the name of its anion, as summarized in FIGURE 2.26. Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported CC BY-SA 3.0. The most common of these ions are shown in boldface. Rule 4 is necessary because we cannot predict formulas for most molecular substances the way we can for ionic compounds. Carbon compounds such as carbides (e.g., silicon carbide [SiC2]), Give the chemical formulas for (a) silicon tetrabromide, (b) disulfur dichloride. (2.8) 2.8b Name binary and oxyacids using the systematic IUPAC method; write the chemical formulas of acids given… Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. An acid is composed of an anion connected to enough H+ ions to neutralize, or balance, the anion's charge. , from 1– for NO3– to 2– for CO32– following compounds: cations 1 molecules yield hydrogen (... % nitrogen and 21 % oxygen, nitrogen, or other elements NO3... ) ion because it can be treated as if they were neutral substances containing H+ ions to neutralize or. Prefixes used in naming binary ( two-element ) molecular compounds, molecular,., often in combination with inorganic compounds names and formulas, with small amounts of carbon classified! 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