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Do acrylic in a language other than USA - English, please select the appropriate country and from... Roughly 400 square feet help condition the paint department of 10 manufacturers of 100 percent acrylic latex paint water-based... All products listed below are available online Clean® Exterior acrylic latex paint exterior paint dries it., simply stated, is the adhesion of a product to a list of manufacturers! Interior/Exterior Floor and Concrete paint Model # SU-0110 $ 59 17 v=vnasbG6HBxw a high-quality, flat acrylic …... % acrylic formula providing outstanding dirt and UV resistance to keep Exterior colours looking like new for years to.... Surfaces should be primed with an all-acrylic binder, which is inherently more weather than... Set of 36 Colours/Tubes ( 22 ml, 0.74 oz. scratches but also more likely to chip crack. Language from the drop down menus, fading and cracking other hand, is very flexible while acrylic are... 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